Halloween Costume Guidelines


Halloween is next Wednesday and students and teachers are encouraged to get in the Halloween spirit by dressing for the day.  Students who choose to dress for Halloween, must abide by the below guidelines.
  • All costumes must be “PG” rated.
  • The School dress code policy must be followed.
  • Costumes may only be worn on Wednesday, October 31st.
  • Costumes may not be a disruption to instruction in any way.  
  • Costumes may not be derogatory or offensive to any groups or individuals.
  • Costumes may not include any weaponry or representations of weapons.
  • Masks are not permitted.
  • Students’ faces must be uncovered and easily identifiable (left up to the discretion of the administration). .  

If a costume fails to comply with any of the above expectations the student will be detained and disciplinary action may result. Remember, you will be held accountable for your personal conduct as well.  Our expectation of your behavior is the same as it is on any regular day.  While we enjoy the spirit of Halloween, we will maintain our high expectations of student behavior.

On Wednesday at lunch, Jammin’ Z90 will be playing music and broadcasting from the Q-Hut.  You are welcome to show off your gruesome (school appropriate) gear in the hut.