Message From Principal Jimenez About Today's Lockdown

As you are aware we were in a lock down mode early this morning before the start of school for approximately two hours.  According to SDPD several burglars attempted to burglarize the construction site adjacent to the 700 and 800 buildings.  The suspects ran into the canyon north of the school.  SDPD reports they heard shots fired and took extreme precaution and advised the San Diego Unified School District Police to put the school in lock down.  At approximately 7:00am. I was notified by SDUSD police and immediately placed the school in lock down.  At approximately 7:11am a message was sent to parents via phone and email informing them of the lock down.  Throughout the morning SDUSD police monitored the progress of the incident and kept the school informed.  Throughout the morning several messages were sent home to keep parents informed and updated about the incidents and safety of the students.

All the students on campus were secured and safe throughout the entire time of the lock down.  Some of the students who ride the bus were diverted to De Portola Middle School.  We are grateful to the administration and the staff of De Portola.  They were extremely helpful and took care of our students until the end of the incident.

As mentioned above the SDUSD police kept me and the school abreast of the entire situation.  At approximately 9:38 school police informed me that SDPD had completed their search of the canyon north of the school and two suspects were apprehended.  SDUSD police advised me to lift the lock down and return all students to school/class.

A message was sent out to parents via phone and email informing them the all clear signal for Serra High School was in effect and that all students and staff could return to school/class.  All school activities resumed as normal including all extra-curricular activities. There will be no penalty for students whose parents kept them home from school.

If you have further questions please contact the administration at Serra high School 858-496-8342.

Principal Mike Jimenez